19 May 2015

"1984" Unit Final


There is a character limit so you may have to break your response into separate responses.  I would advise typing the response in word first and then copying and pasting so you do not lose your work.

ITEM 1:  Identify and explain the two main themes in 1984 and use examples from text to support the presence of the themes in the novel.

ITEM 2: Select TWO of the following essential questions and answer them supporting your response with evidence from text and real-world examples:

  1. Does technology positively or negatively influence society?
  2. What are our responsibilities as citizens?
  3. What are the responsibilities of our leaders?
  4. What is your responsibility to yourself?
  5. Does a single citizen have the power to influence change?
  6. How is language misused and abused?
  7. How can citizens protect their liberty by maintaining an equivalent understanding of language as those in power?
  8. How is language used to obtain what we desire?

Have fun :)

12 May 2015

"1984" Parts I & II, Book Three Reaction

- - - Why is O'Brien wasting his time torturing Winston? Why not just kill him?

- - - What themes has Orwell further developed in the first two parts of Book Three?  Explain. 

08 May 2015

"1984" Parts IX and X Reaction

- - -  Explain the significance of Part IX.

- - -  You saw that one coming, right?  Explain.

- - -  What happens next?

06 May 2015

"1984" Parts VII & VIII, Book Two Reaction

- - -  What was the significance of Orwell inserting Winston's dream and subsequent memory at the beginning of Part VII?

- - -  What is your general impression of the interaction with O'Brien?  Use evidence from text to support your reasoning.

04 May 2015

"1984" Parts IV & V, Book Two Reaction

- - -  Explain the significance of Julia obtaining certain items like coffee and make up during a rendezvous in the room above Charrington's shop.

- - -  Explain how Book Two differs from Book One - what is Orwell doing with the novel?

- - -  Why is Winston offended when Julia suggests that Oceania's enemies are Party inventions? Explain the significance of his comment that she is only a rebel from the waist down (not what that phrase means, but why it is important to understanding one or both characters?)